Plastic Poncho – Clear Emergency Rain Poncho

Quick as a flash, before you’ve finished the magic words “Thank you Umbrella Heaven”, you have unfolded and pulled on your emergency rainproof plastic poncho. Always be prepared for the weather!

$ 7.53

Availability: In stock

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Emergency Plastic Rain Poncho – Clear

Don’t you just hate it when, out of the blue, it suddenly pours with rain and you have no umbrella and nothing waterproof to wear? Aha… luckily you were one step ahead and secreted an Emergency Plastic Poncho in your pocket. Now you can continue to look fabulous as you gleam and gloat at those poor souls who are less organised than yourself, as they rush for cover or simply carry on looking wet and bedraggled. Our Emergency Plastic Ponchos are 100% waterproof, a key performance indicator for any anti-precipitation protection product.

  • 50″ wide x 40″ long (shoulder to hem)
  • Heat-sealed seams
  • Made of clear 0.02 mm PE Sheet
  • Lightweight
  • Hood
  • Comes packed in a `pocket-size` pouch and you’ll have hours of fun trying to get it back in there…
  • One size fits all!

Not the plastic poncho for you? Check out the rest of our quality ponchos and rainwear!

Weight0.2 kg
Dimensions30 × 30 × 4 cm


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