We’re still here…

I don’t believe it!! The end of the world came and went. There we were standing there like a bunch of lemons, all clutching our umbrellas in case of some kind of freaky UV radiation stuff and then, all the sudden… Nothing. A great big fat nothing at all happened. It didn’t even start to rain.

As predictions go it wasn’t one of the best. I mean if this Mayan bloke, down the pub, comes up to you and gives you a tip for the 3:30 at Chepstow, a horse called Doomsday Prophecy (or something) would you put a tenner on it… No I didn’t think so.

They did have a few good buildings those Mayans, and some pretty scuzzy ones. They’re a bit old now though.

Shame really. It would certainly have livened up the last working day of 2012. The world ending would have made it considerably more memorable.

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